The word in the heart is drawn out by talking.
– Kikuyu proverb
Occasionally I give voice to matters that concern me in articles and talks or by contributing to books with other writers. You can read a selection by clicking on the titles.
What Would Anne Frank Have Said? TES, 19 May 2000. I wrote this after a British Council author visit to the West Bank and Gaza.
‘Who Will Wake Justice Up?’ TES, 9 November 2001. My account of a British Council author visit to Jordan.
Out of Bounds: ‘Witness Literature’ and the Challenge of Crossing Racialised Boundaries. My speech at the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) Congress, Cape Town, 8 September 2004.
Inside Yarl’s Wood Immigration Centre, The Guardian, 16 December 2009. I wrote this after meeting innocent children locked up in Britain.
What Is and What Might Be, at IBBY UK Conference on ‘Belonging is…’, 8 November 2014.