For Online Visits contact Caroline Kamana, .
Read about a typical session here. Hosting by the Anti-Apartheid Legacy Trust makes connecting very simple. The charity’s website also has a range of educational resources.
For Festivals, Events and In-person Visits (currently to schools in easy range of Bournemouth), contact Authors Aloud UK. Email here. Tel +44 (0)1727 893992.
For professional matters, contact my agent Jessica Hare’s office at The Agency. Email here.
If you would like to write to me, I shall be very happy to hear from you and do my best to reply. But please be patient. If I have my head down writing, there may be a little wait. Email me c/o , with ‘For the attention of Beverley Naidoo’ in the subject box.
If you would like to write to me via ‘snail mail’ c/o the Publicity Dept at one of my publishers, please be aware that their offices are busy places! If you send mail to my publishers in New York, there’s also the Atlantic Ocean still to cross!
DATA PROTECTION: Please note that my work is archived at Seven Stories: The National Centre for Children’s Books for future research. Letters about my books form part of my archive. Please let me know if you don’t wish your letters to be included.