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Some events from 2013

Friday 5 April, 5.30pm. La librairie Book in Bar Aix-en-Provence. I also look forward to meeting students of English at Lycée Val de Durance in Pertuis and at Collège Mignet in Aix.

Tuesday 23 April, 6pm. World Book Night at Canada Water Library, London. Hosted by BookAid International.

Conversations about the love of reading with four very different authors

Canada Water Library, London

Comedian and author Natalie Haynes (BBC2’s The Review Show) talking about the joys of a good book with Book Aid International’s other literary guests: James Mayhew (Katie’s Picture Show) illustrating his tale as he tells it, live on stage; Beverley Naidoo (The Other Side of Truth) talking about her love of reading, and biographer Robert Douglas-Fairhurst (Becoming Dickens) discussing why we relish reading about other people’s lives.

Profits from this event go to Book Aid International

Place: Canada Water Library, 21 Surrey Quays Road, SE16 7AR

Tickets £10 from Canada Water Library

I look forward to reading work submitted for the 2013 Wasafiri New Writing Prize. Deadline is Friday 26 July.

Wednesday 18 September Queen Elizabeth Hall, 7.30pm

Nelson Mandela Tribute: Long Walk to Freedom 

Tuesday 29 October

Challenging police brutality in South Africa today:

The legacy of Neil Aggett 

7-9pm, Khalili Theatre, SOAS, London

My biography Death of an Idealist: In Search of Neil Aggett is available in the UK through Merlin Press. I shall talk about Neil and his story with Jonny Steinberg, author of many riveting books that unpeel layers of contemporary South Africa.

More details here.

Event co-hosted by Royal African Society/Centre for African Studies/Canon Collins Trust

I shall be visiting a number of schools and, as ever, enjoy meeting and talking with readers.